Thursday, December 23, 2010

Concurs: si La Chatterie te premiaza cu o rochie pentru revelion

Te-ai hotarat la ce petrecere mergi de revelion, cum vei ajunge acolo, cine te va insoti. Pare totul pregatit, insa ramane o mare problema. Cu ce te vei imbraca? In privinta asta nu poti sa astepti pana in ultima secunda. Pentru ca trebuie sa arati impecabil si asta nu se poate face in graba. Outfit-ul trebuie sa iti evidentieze calitatile, sa fie in ton cu evenimentul si cu locul si cel mai important, sa te simti bine imbracata asa. Pare dificil numai cand te gandesti, nu? Atunci participa la concurs si vei avea totul aranjat la milimetru! Castiga o frumoasa rochie realizata de La Chatterie care te va face atractia serii.
Uita-te pe site-ul La Chatterie sau pe pagina de Facebook La Chatterie si alege o piesa vestimentara care iti place. Apoi intra pe Polyvore si importa poza. De aici, trebuie doar sa-ti imaginezi cu ce haine si accesorii s-ar potrivi cel mai bine. Posteaza poza cu tinuta creata de tine in Polyvore pe pagina de Facebook a La Chatterie si vor premia cea mai cool si inspirata tinuta cu o rochie La Chatterie, perfecta pentru petrecerea dintre ani.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Last dresses of the year from the fair at The Embassy 18-19 dec 2010

                                             Available only by order -  






                                                 Available in size 36 - 

New designs from the last fair of this year at The Embassy 18-19 dec 2010

Available in size 38 





For more details please email me at

Monday, November 29, 2010

News & friends

In the meantime I have been working on some orders ( like this skirt over here that Alexandra is wearing ) and  some new dresses that will be very colorful even if the winter is here already - we have some holidays also coming up and I bet we all want to look amazing :) 

So the new home for Lachatterie is online since 19 nov and I think some of you already saw it . I tried to update all my work and start an online shop to be easier for you to order my designs . Still we are working on that section of the site and the following week it will be ready with the new products in store . 

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Lansam si o facem cu oameni dragi, prajiturele delicioase si tinutele cele mai noi Lachatterie.
Va invitam vineri, 19 noiembrie, orele 19:00, in incinta showroomului Pixie Shoes sa sarbatorim un an de existenta Lachatterie cu sampanie si cateva surprize fabuloase .

Cu drag,

Isabelle @ LaChatterie

Monday, November 15, 2010

Lachatterie and friends ...

 These are some items I had at the fair on saturday . This lovely dress was bought by this beautiful lady . The dark blue sweater also went to her wardrobe :) I also had a fuchsia long skirt and this pink with lace details skirt .Untill the site for Lachatterie is ready I will pe posting some new skirts here and also attend a fair this weekend . so stay tuned for more info soon .

Lachatterie and friends ... Alma

For more details and the rest of the pics visit her blog

Monday, November 8, 2010

Lachatterie will be here on saturday , 13 nov with the new winter collection

Fashion& Vintage Fair 
Winter Edition
13 noiembrie
MARGO Lounge / Margo Lounge&More / Lipscani No.29-33
Sambata, 13 noiembrie, intre orele 11:00 – 19:00, la Margo lounge&more, Lipscani No. 29-33, va avea loc editia de iarna a targului Absolutely Fabulous Fashion&Vintage Fair.
Pentru fashionistele aflate in cautarea unui outfit pentru Xmas time si New Year’s Eve, expozantii, top young designers&vintage stores, pregatesc  piese si colectii fabuloase, un preview al paginilor de fashion din cel de al doilea numar al revistei
Si pentru ca nicio editie nu este fabulous fara cadouri, vizitatorele vor primi produse cosmetice de la AVON, se vor putea bucura de o sedinta foto gratuita impreuna cu echipa Glamography, Cristian Niculae si Dan Nichitiu, si de un make-up profesionist. 
Tot ce trebuie sa faci este sa porti tinuta ta preferata si sa vii la Absolutely Fabulous Fashion&Vintage Fair!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Lachatterie and friends ... Beau Monde

Lachatterie purple skirt in Beau Monde november 2010 .

Styling : Ana Amelian - Nechita 
Photo : Manole Sava 

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Lachatterie will be soon changing homes and move to . And because I like to surprise you with a new look I have a new image , 3 new mini collections and a surprise launch . So stay tunned for more info .

Bisous to all Lachatterie lovers 


Lachatterie and friends ... a super girl and a dress

Lachatterie will appear in Cosmopolitan Dec. issue dressing up a super girl with a look a la Brigitte Bardot . Can't wait to show you all the pics !

Lachatterie and friends ... my darling Ralu in a Lachatterie flowers dress at AloChicMeet

Monday, October 18, 2010

Lachatterie and friends ... New Tv show ( City Bingo )

Lachatterie is a partner for the new tv show City Bingo providing the clothes for the girls .The show is also online and on tv every night on OTV ( yes I know , not my fav station either ) . Sorry I don't have all the outfits to show you . Maybe soon I'll reveive all the pictures .